Design Tattoo Part 03

Many design tattoo of the Twentieth Century have been based upon mythological creatures. Unlike the past centuries, the mythology behind many of the subjects of lore have become a lot more fantastic and alluring to people of all ages nowadays. Still, there are those few groups (I usually like to call Bible-pounders) that believe the entire ideas behind design tattoo are Satanic and blasphemous. I will always say, "To each his own". That philosophy works with everything for me. Don't like the radio station? Change it! Not interested in what is being played on the television? Turn it off! Don't like design tattoo? Don't get one! Geez, is this that difficult? Nevertheless, one can see how the beginnings of one myth or folklore can be changed over the centuries, to adapt to a more "G" rated crowd. The same can be said for certain designed design tattoo. From the more arcane skulls and dragons, to the celestial fairies and hearts - the original meanings surrounding many of these designs have become more suitable to the owner of such design tattoo art. Did you know that an ankle bracelet design tattoo used to ward away the fear of drowning? On the other hand, some Native American tribes would etch markings upon their faces if they were hurting from something. (I.E. Chronic headache sufferers would design tattoo their foreheads. Toothache victims would design tattoo their cheeks.) Whatever the reasons may have been, somewhere along the lines, hundreds - if not thousands - of designed design tattoo have had their original meanings wiped clean, and were replaced with the more "G" rated idealisms of the Twentieth Century. I have two fairy design tattoo, and they both are elegant, beautiful, nude wood nymphs. However, after a bit of research, I found that much fairy lore originated back to Ireland. Would you ever guess the creatures of Ireland are told to look more troll-like and evil - performing all kinds of mischievousness for the farmers and other landowners within the "fairy" properties? In fact, many natives believe that to anger the fairies could cause even more catastrophic occurrences, such as the burning down of homes, and loss of life to both cattle as well as humans. Okay, the physique of the fairy design tattoo that I have etched upon me truly differ, but as far as the mischievousness and the anger issues . . . well, nobody's perfect.

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